Wednesday, May 30, 2012

More accomplished...

I just am not as cool as the others who can do it all in one day! I seem to be spreading my cooking out over every weekend! That is ok. Just more messes to clean up. I find it is easier for me too, especially with my back pains.

So this past weekend I made mac and cheese (YUMMY) and froze it. I froze 10 cups of it. I also made the hotpockets which I had to make samples for the boys to try (read hungry boys!)! All the boys loved them younger and oldest (other half lol)! I ended up with about 10 servings of 4 pockets each serving. Rolling out the dough and filling it was not an easy task but I was fine with it but I didn't like the sauce one pouring out! I made turkey pepperoni pockets, beef and cheese (american and cheddar types), turkey and cheese (american and cheddar types) and pizza sauce and beef pockets with cheese (VERY messy)!

Until later...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mmmm mmmm good (read: exhausting! - but well worth it)

So the next day I set out to make food to feed ARMIES! I accomplished that...boy did I ever.

In total I ended up with 52 servings of waffles (2 per serving, 26 buttermilk and 26 vegan); 9 cups of chili; 9 cups of pinto beans; 6 lbs of ground beef cooked; some peppers and onions for fajita/taco kits and 18 tortillas (which were gobbled up before I could use them!).

I packed up the waffles, the chili (we ate some before I packed it too) and the beans (again some was eaten prior!). I packed up the ground beef up, using some for sauce, some for hot pockets and some for burrittos. The beans will be used for burrittos and just plain old beans and rice (YUMMY!). The peppers and onions we didn't use for fajitas were packed up.

I couldn't do the hot pockets, burrittos or sauces on Sunday because I ended up doing to much! I was caring for my youngest last week (he had the flu) and I think I might have gotten a bit of it. It seems to be gone no more fevers (started having them Monday!). I have to do all my stuff between everything know me time (what the heck is that?!) I mean THEM time. I think I will tackle the rest this weekend when they are gone doing baseball etc.

Until later...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

No rest for the wicked...

I really wanted to get started and have some sense of accomplishment. So...

I started checking the freezer and pantry for what I had (did only the pantry earlier though). My number one tip to everyone is CLEAN the freezer(s) out first before buying. I was careful and knew what I had so what I will do is shop my freezer to help make meals. Another is make a prep list, recipe list, pantry list, freezer list and a shopping list. I know it seems overwhelming to someone new to this (remember I am a noob!), but you can do it!

I started the pinto beans soaking tonight, I am making my own pinto beans (and refried beans). I like knowing what is going in them and most of all I like the savings. Yes it does take a little work but the end result is sooo much better.

I am beat, I was suppose to rest and I didn't, so we shall see how tomorrow plays out. I started making my list of what I am going to make, I probably won't make enough for 30 of each (breakfast, lunch and dinner) but my goal is to have a good mix of each. I am doing waffles, burrittos, hot pockets, meat balls, taco kits, fajita kits, chili and sauces.

Until later...

Shopping done (I think!)...

So we went shopping today, we got it all done (I think!) I just need rest and tomorrow I will do some prepping and cooking! I am tackling lunch first. I don't think I could do all three meals for a month in one day. I must work up to it (haha read...I just wanna be lazy!) I am still a noob at this.

Until later...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Freezing (& making) a month's worth of meals...

I am going to tackle  take on DO a month's worth of meals. I am hoping (cross fingers) to do breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think I am going to tackle Lunch/Dinner then do breakfast. I first have to go through 2 fridges, and 3 freezers (no I don't own huge freezers or a walk-in (I would love)) to inventory/cleanout everything in them. I just went through a mass meat packing phase and now I will have to go through and inventory and perhaps plan a meal around (rather than it sitting there collecting ice) for the coming month. My goal is to get everything together so I can start next week (5/21).

I am already meal planning (now I don't have it easy...I am veg'n, oldest son has food allergies - no eggs, dairy or sugar) and there there are the other two (sigh) they eat anything! I also cook for 2 dogs and a cat. I know! Lots right!?

Until later...

Ahhh the first post...

I guess I should explain why I wanted to do this as a blog. I use Pinterest alot (I mean alot!) and while it is great for pinning ideas...I find so many and I want to blog about my success (or failures) with the things I find. I never go back and comment on Pinterest...I suppose I could but I don't and with so many repins etc, it wouldn't matter unless they landed specifically on your pin. This is the start of our journey.

Until later...