Wednesday, May 30, 2012

More accomplished...

I just am not as cool as the others who can do it all in one day! I seem to be spreading my cooking out over every weekend! That is ok. Just more messes to clean up. I find it is easier for me too, especially with my back pains.

So this past weekend I made mac and cheese (YUMMY) and froze it. I froze 10 cups of it. I also made the hotpockets which I had to make samples for the boys to try (read hungry boys!)! All the boys loved them younger and oldest (other half lol)! I ended up with about 10 servings of 4 pockets each serving. Rolling out the dough and filling it was not an easy task but I was fine with it but I didn't like the sauce one pouring out! I made turkey pepperoni pockets, beef and cheese (american and cheddar types), turkey and cheese (american and cheddar types) and pizza sauce and beef pockets with cheese (VERY messy)!

Until later...

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