Friday, May 18, 2012

Freezing (& making) a month's worth of meals...

I am going to tackle  take on DO a month's worth of meals. I am hoping (cross fingers) to do breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think I am going to tackle Lunch/Dinner then do breakfast. I first have to go through 2 fridges, and 3 freezers (no I don't own huge freezers or a walk-in (I would love)) to inventory/cleanout everything in them. I just went through a mass meat packing phase and now I will have to go through and inventory and perhaps plan a meal around (rather than it sitting there collecting ice) for the coming month. My goal is to get everything together so I can start next week (5/21).

I am already meal planning (now I don't have it easy...I am veg'n, oldest son has food allergies - no eggs, dairy or sugar) and there there are the other two (sigh) they eat anything! I also cook for 2 dogs and a cat. I know! Lots right!?

Until later...

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